Baier Auto Transport Services

B2B Auto Transport
We service dealership groups, brokerages, manufacturers, rental car companies, auctions and more. Whether you are looking to move one vehicle or 100 to auctions or from dealerships anywhere in the lower 48 states, we have you covered with our meticulously maintained fleet. We have transporters at all the major auctions including ADESA, Manheim, Southern and many others from Florida to Maine to Texas. Email to get our competitive corporate and business rates today.

Local and Regional Vehicle Transport
We move vehicles throughout New England and up and down the entire east coast for dealerships, buyers, auction houses and individuals alike. We have the equipment to safely and efficiently move your vehicle(s) from point A to B on time with no hassles.

Long Distance Transport
Are you moving or need to get your vehicle shipped long distance? We have shipped 1000s of vehicles all over the country and continue to move cars up and down the east coast every day.
We also specialize in Snowbird Transport to and from Florida and the Northeast. You can find more info here.

Specialty and Single Vehicles
We have years of experience moving specialty and high end vehicles. You can trust us with any sentimental or high dollar vehicle to make sure it gets from point A to B safely and securely. We use modern, state-of-the-art equipment to make sure your vehicle is properly transported. Please email us directly for more information.

Snowbird Auto Transport
We offer unmatched service in East Coast Snowbird auto transport and vehicle shipping. Our company owned trucks travel up and down the east coast weekly to provide snowbirds reliable and consistent service in both the fall and spring months to and from Florida. Our terminal is conveniently located off Route 95 in Seabrook, NH with complimentary shuttle to the C&J Bus Terminal for service into Boston Logan International Airport.
Click here for to book your snowbird auto transport.